Friday, March 22, 2013

First Meet

With the weather that we have so enjoyed this winter/spring, we have already had to make a change to our schedule.  Our first meet, April 2nd at Centennial, has been changed.  Because we will probably not be able to run outside by this date, we have moved our meet indoors.  Also, to accomodate this, we have had to change the date as well.  The meet will now be on Monday, April 1st at the University of Minnesota Indoor Track (I will post directions when we get closer to the meet).  The time has also changed and will be later, so please plan accordingly.  It will start at 6:00pm and run until about 10:00pm.  We are still going against Blaine and Centennial, but the meet schedule will be different.  We are still working on the schedule, and I will let you know once we have it figured out.
Any questions, please let me know.  Once again, first meet has been changed, so there will be no meet on April 2nd.  The meet is as follows:
Monday, April 1st, U of M, 6-10pm.

Also, as of right now, the meet on April 5th at Cambridge is still schedule as planned,

Monday, March 18, 2013


Just letting everyone know that our fundraising started today and will finish on Wednesday, March 27.  We are hoping for a positive fundraiser.  Individual athletes would need to sell 8 shirts or a donations of $50. For those of you that are families on the team, you would only need to sell 12 shirts or a $75 donation, not 16 or $100.  If you have any questions about this, please let me know.