Monday, April 27, 2020

Second Round of Apparel

For anyone that ordered apparel at the beginning of the season, this is what I was told this morning from BSN, the company we ordered from. Currently their factory is not open due to the virus, thus, no orders are being sent out. However, once they are open, they will complete the order and mail all apparel to each individuals home, not the school.  So, once I hear from BSN on when they are to open, I'll let you know and you can expect your order to arrive at your home in about one week from that time.

Thanks and any questions, let me know,

Friday, April 3, 2020

Apparel Orders

The first round of apparel orders have arrived and I currently have them at my home.  The following individuals orders have arrived.  Please let me know how you would like to pick them up:

Bella Bresnahan
Rachel Deters
Nicole Fox
Julie Hedlund
Grace Henneman
Ilsa/Zoe Hoaglund
Ava/Grace Kehr
Molly Knoblach
Jordan Kriebel
Kennedy Martinson
Bailey Paine
Nina Weimholt
